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arte contemporânea

“Ele não tinha ido a nenhuma parte. Só
executava a invenção de se permanecer
naqueles espaços do rio, de meio a meio,
sempre dentro da canoa, para dela não saltar,
nunca mais.”

João Guimarães Rosa

Staying indoors has become the possibility to look inside. The series of nanks was made during the confinement period because of Covid-19.
In this period of confinement, the research I have been doing in relation to landscape drawing / painting reinforces the issue of building visual memory. If my landscapes were the result of a hybrid visuality in the face of images dictated by the logarithms of social media with my reality of urban landscapes, now I have to deal with a limitation of the latter.
Impossibility to leave, impossibility to control, impossibility to predict the future. All these factors made me think of the water. The water brings its own flow to the ink, it forces me to deal with the unexpected, to find a landscape that reveals itself as the ink flows through the randomly arranged blocks of water. Without total control of the construction of the image, without a new image to visualize, I focus on what chance brings to create the landscapes. There is the challenge of the I / ink / paper ratio in the short drying time. Each brushstroke calls for total awareness in the moment and there is no turning back. Polyptytics were born out of limitation: small papers (the only ones I had before quarantine) accumulate to form the whole.

©2022 Estúdio Mirla Fernandes - Rua Alves Guimarães, 1437  São Paulo - Brasil

(11) 98290 6651


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